Today was a new stuff day, so let’s check it out!

Grip Puppies

When I first bought the FJ, it came with these foam comfort grips I’d never seen before. I initially mistakenly thought they were heated grips, but they were actually just Grip Puppy Comfort Grips, effectively foam sleeves that go over stock grips. They were in good shape back then, but wore out in the 13,000 miles I’d put on the bike since, so I recently took them off (TODO link to that post). After riding without them for a few weeks, I concluded I strongly preferred them, so I ordered a new set and just installed it.

The installation process is pretty easy, especially since I removed the hand guards:

  1. Measure and cut comfort grips to fit the stock grips. (Not necessary on the FJ—they fit perfectly.)
  2. Remove bar ends, hand guards, and anything else in the way of getting to the grips themselves. (Just bar ends for me currently.)
  3. Lubricate the inside of the comfort grips with highly diluted dish soap.
  4. Slide them on, little by little.
  5. Reinstall bar ends, hand guards, and anything else you removed.
  6. Enjoy teh C O M F.

Here’s what that looks like partway through:


And here’s what it looks like at the end:



I can’t wait to go riding with these again.

Kickstand Puck

Many, many moons ago, I bought this silly Custom Chrome Kickstand Foot in the shape of an actual foot, and proceeded to use it exactly zero times, so I gave it to the buyer of my Ninja. But a few weeks ago I was on a ride with a friend, and we parked on some gravel, and had he not had one to lend me, I’d have had an adventure on my hands, so I reluctantly got another—though this time much more boring—one:


Tire Inflator